New Company Will Commercialize Novel Plasma Spray Technology
SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, February 6, 2015 — HiFunda has teamed with two world-renowned experts in plasma spray technology, Prof. Eric Jordan and Prof. Maurice Gell, to form a new entity – Solution Spray Technologies, LLC (SST). SST will commercialize novel plasma spray technology developed at the University of Connecticut. SST has executed an exclusive licensing agreement with UConn for new coating compositions, methods and applications based on the novel process of solution precursor plasma spray (SSPS) process, which UConn researchers have championed for the past few decades. SST is a Delaware company, with primary operations in Connecticut.
“We are very excited to work with SST to commercialize the SPPS technology, and believe that the combination of our faculty experts and the business team provides a powerful opportunity for success,” said Donna Cyr, Licensing Director at UConn.
HiFunda and UConn have worked together for the past three years on joint projects for utilizing the SPPS technology for thermal barrier coatings in gas turbines and membranes for gas separation. “SPPS-based coatings can have a game-changing impact on many fields such as thermal barrier coatings for gas turbines,” said Prof. Jordan, who is the Chief Operating Officer of SST.
“There is a critical need for new materials and processes that can increase performance of advanced energy systems, and SST is ideally positioned to exploit these opportunities,” said Prof. Gell, Chief Technology officer of SST, who spent over 20 years in the gas turbine industry prior to his UConn/SST tenure.
HiFunda’s President, Balky Nair, will serve as SST’s Chief Executive Officer, and brings 15 years of experience from leadership roles in prior ventures such as Oscilla Power, Inc., OPI Downhole LLC and EmiSense, Inc (now Emisense Technologies LLC), as well as technology development experience from Ceramatec, Inc. and Argonne National Laboratory to this new venture.